[GUFSC] [FreeBSD-Announce] Summer Programming Opportunities for Students

Rafael R Obelheiro rro em das.ufsc.br
Sexta Junho 3 17:00:03 BRT 2005

----- Forwarded message from Murray Stokely <murray em FreeBSD.org> -----

Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 12:10:21 -0700
From: Murray Stokely <murray em FreeBSD.org>
Subject: [FreeBSD-Announce] Summer Programming Opportunities for Students
To: announce em FreeBSD.org

The FreeBSD Project is happy to participate in Google's Summer of Code
2005 program.  Basically, this program provides $4500 in funding to
allow students to spend the summer writing open source software.  If
you or someone you know would be interested in this program, please
visit our website at :


There you will find a large list of interesting projects in diverse
areas of modern Unix operating system development.  Some example tasks
involve improving the installation tools, adding more automated test
suites, improving NFS, adding journalling support to UFS, improving
the ACPI power management algorithms, and more.

You will also find a list of senior developers who have agreed to act
as mentors to interested students.  Once you have identified a project
and a mentor, you should complete a proposal and submit it to Google
before the June 14 deadline.  Winning candidates will be announced in
late June.

Thanks and good luck!

       - Murray
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