[GUFSC] http://linux.trix.net

Douglas de Oliveira Mendes gufsc@das.ufsc.br
12 Nov 2002 02:23:44 -0200

	Ei, ningu=E9m comenta?  Calma, n=E3o precisam ficar envergonhados... o
servidor deles =E9 FreeBSD, e n=E3o Linux, hehe...

	Parece que o problema foi vers=E3o do PHP.

Em Dom, 2002-11-10 =E0s 00:30, dom@inf.ufsc.br escreveu:
> Ih, pessoal... Visitaram hoje (ontem) o http://linux.trix.net?  Sen=E3o..=
. d=EAem=20
> uma olhada.... hackearam o bichinho.
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> GUFSC mailing list
> GUFSC@das.ufsc.br
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     "He that loveth father of mother more than me is not=20
      worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more=20
      than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not=20
      his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of=20
      me."                   Matthew 10:37,38=20