[GUFSC] Tabela Latex

Altamir Dias altamir em emc.ufsc.br
Quarta Novembro 17 12:41:43 BRST 2004

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Abaixo tem uma descrição da ferramenta tabular para construção de 
tabelas, com alguns exemplos no final


  column 1 entry & column 2 entry ... & column n entry \\


  column 1 entry & column 2 entry ... & column n entry \\

Note that the *-form takes an additional width mandatory argument which 
specifies the width of the tabular environment; in the regular form the 
width is determined by LaTeX from the contents of the tabular environment.

These environments produce a box consisting of a sequence of rows of 
items, aligned vertically in columns. The mandatory and optional 
arguments consist of:

     * cols Specifies the column formatting. It consists of a sequence 
of the following specifiers, at least one for each of the columns.
           o l - A column of left-aligned items.
           o r - A column of right-aligned items.
           o c - A column of centered items.
           o p{wd} - Produces a column which can be multiple lines, with 
each item typeset in a parbox of width wd. It works as if each item were 
the argument of a \parbox[t]{wd} command. However, a \\ may not appear 
in the item, except in the following situations: (i) inside an 
environment like minipage, array, or tabular, (ii) inside an explicit 
\parbox, or (iii) in the scope of a \centering, \raggedleft, or 
\raggedright declaration. The latter declarations must appear inside 
braces or an environment when used in a p-column element.

           o | - A vertical line the full height and depth of the 
           o @{text} - This inserts text in every row. An @-expression 
suppresses the intercolumn space normally inserted between columns; any 
desired space between the inserted text and the adjacent items must be 
included in text. To force the spacing between two columns to be wdth, 
use an @{\hspace{wdth}} between the column specifiers. An 
\extracolsep{wd} command in an @-expression causes an extra space of 
width wd to appear to the left of all subsequent columns, until 
countermanded by another \extracolsep command. Unlike ordinary 
intercolumn space, this extra space is not suppressed by an 
@-expression. An \extracolsep command can be used only in an 
@-expression in the cols argument.
           o *{num}{cols} - Equivalent to num copies of cols, where num 
is any positive integer and cols is any list of column-specifiers, which 
may contain another *-expression.

     * pos Specifies the vertical position of the whole tabular 
environment (recall that it is a box). The default is to align the box 
on the center of the environment.
           o t - align on top row
           o b - align on bottom row

     * width Specifies the width of the tabular* environment. There must 
be rubber space between columns that can stretch to fill out the 
specified width.

Note that \\ must be used to specify the end of each line of the table, 
except the last. (It must be used after the last line if an \hline 
command is used to put a line at the bottom of the table.)
Aligning on decimal points: an example of the @ specifier
In scientific tables it is often desirable to align the columns on a 
decimal point. This can be done using the @ col specifier and breaking 
the number into the integral part in a right-justified column and the 
fractional part in a left-justified column:

   The following input:          will display as:

   3&14159\\                         3.14159
   16&2\\                           16.2
   123$456\\ \end{tabular}         123.456

Note that the decimal point is replaced by the column separator, & and 
that the @suppresses the intercolumn space
Another example: centering and controlling table width
LaTeX normally sets the width of the tabular environment to "natural" 
width, i.e., determined from the contents of the columns. For narrow 
tables it is sometimes more pleasing to make them wider. The tabular* 
environments allows for setting a width; however, it is necessary to 
have rubber space between colunmns that can expand to the specified 
width. This can often be most easily accomplished by using an 
\extracolsep{wdth} command in an @ specifier as shown in the example 
below which sets the table width to 75% of the text width.

This example also centers the table.

   \begin{center}  % put inside center environment
   label 1 & label 2 & label 3 & label 4 \\
   \hline  % put a line under headers
   item 1  & item 2  & item 3  & item 4  \\

See also

     * \cline
     * \hline
     * \multicolumn
     * \vline Ricardo Levi Donada wrote:
>>preciso fazer uma tabela no Latex; em cada célula da tabela, preciso
>>duas ou tres linhas.
>  Vc quer escrever palavras ou números?!


      _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/   Prof. Altamir Dias, Dr. Eng.
     _/       _/  _/  _/ _/            Departamento de Eng. Mecânica
    _/_/_/   _/  _/  _/ _/ UFSC        Universidade Federal de SC
   _/       _/  _/  _/ _/              88.040-900 - Florianópolis-SC
  _/_/_/_/ _/  _/  _/ _/_/_/_/_/       BRASIL
                                       Phone: 55-48-331-9264
                                       Fax  : 55-48-234-1519

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