[GUFSC] mais uma razão para usar octave ao invés de matlab

Ricardo Grutzmacher grutz em terra.com.br
Quinta Novembro 11 00:16:21 BRST 2004

Retirado da lista de discussão do Octave:

| I find that octave is much better in scripts than matlab.  It is
| easier to fire off an octave from bash.  Doing so with matlab was
| always forced and required cludges last I tried (about 8 years ago).
| I presume that with the (imho stunningly awful) IDE that matlab uses
| and the whole windows way, that it is now worse than ever (someone
| chime in and prove me wrong -- I can't be bothered to find out since
| octave covers my needs).

Matlab can be started with the -nodesktop option, but it still takes
forever to check its license at start-up so it isn't suitable for
intensive use when scripting:

$ time echo 1+1 | octave -q
ans = 2

real    0m0.160s
user    0m0.120s
sys     0m0.040s

$ time echo 1+1 | matlab -nodesktop
~                              < M A T L A B >
~                  Copyright 1984-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
~                      Version Release 13
~                                Jun 18 2002

~  Using Toolbox Path Cache.  Type "help toolbox_path_cache" for more info.
~  To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
~  For product information, visit www.mathworks.com.

Adding polynomial toolbox to path

~  Polynomial Toolbox initialized. To get started, type one of
~  these: helpwin  or poldesk.  For product information, visit
~  www.polyx.com  or  www.polyx.cz.

ans =

~     2
real    0m5.176s
user    0m3.130s
sys     0m0.190s

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